Essential Tool for Every Educational Institution..... Essential Tool for Every Educational Institution

About Us


EASY - Educational Automation Software Pvt Ltd, is concentrating (for the past 25 years), only in ERP solutions for office automation of all Educational Institutions.

We cover:

  • Private Schools (CBSE, State Board, Matriculation, ISC etc),
  • Government Aided Schools
  • Colleges:
    Private and Government Aided
    Affiliated and Autonomous
    (Engineering Colleges, Arts & Science Colleges etc)
  • Deemed Universities.

Domain specialization in Educational Institutions automation only . Product is undergoing constant upgradation for the past many years in terms of logic, features, technology and areas covered .

EASY - ERP has 25 modules and covers every requirement of all educational institutions starting from “pre admission” stage till issue of final certificates to students upon completion of courses and also post discharge alumni requirements.

Company provides all kinds of installations - local network, cloud solutions and combined solutions as per need of the Institutions. Software is implemented and maintained for the past 25 years .

We are servicing 700+ institutions.


Company is promoted by a Chartered Accountant Mr H Narayanan who has 40 years of experience (India and abroad).

He has been the Chairman / Managing Director of the company since inception and is fulltime involved in the management / operations of the company without any other commitment.

Other Board members and advisory group includes PhDs and Management professionals who have been contributing to the success of the company from India and abroad.


Company has dedicated team of qualified people headed by a technology expert.

Key team members are with the company for over 20 years.

EASY team has thorough knowledge of all functions like pre-sale presentation, Project management, system study, design, development, deployment, support and post warranty service etc. Entire Team is fully geared to take care of all customer needs.

We have a pool of experienced talent who have been associated with us to provide quality service. Present day communication and technology facility has completely transformed the way IT works and we are able to pool the best resource from any part and also service institutions in any part of India.




Local network multi user software. This version will control the entire operations of the school / college . Very robust and tested software..........

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Local network multi user software. This version will control the entire operations of the school / college . Very robust and tested software which can handle the requirements of any institution.



Web based application of all the modules for remote access by management, Teachers, Parents/students. Online payment is covered in this.

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Web based application of all the modules for remote access by management, Teachers, Parents/students. Online payment is covered in this.



Mobile based APP for students / parents view all information including link for online payment. We can assist in computerizing all institutions from.......

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All existing clients of EASY software can addon EASY 7.0 app version for dispatch of messages to students / parents.



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Man-days Of Support


1 ) How long has EASY software been in Educational ERP service?

  • EASY software is in School / College ERP service for the past 25 years. We are the oldest and the pioneers in the Industry. Have the privilege of supporting around 700 institutions for only the main ERP software.

2) Which are the institutions covered by EASY - EPR?

  • EASY Software specializes only in Educational Segment - SCHOOL / COLLEGE automation ERP software.
  • Software covers all kinds of Educational Institutions
  • SCHOOLS – ( Private and Government Aided) –CBSE/MATRIC/ISC/IB/State Board etc starting from Pre Schooling, KG to 12th Std
  • COLLEGES - (Private and Government Aided) – (Affiliated , Autonomous ) & Deemed Universities.)- Engineering, Polytechnic, Arts & Science, B Ed, Para Medical etc,

3) What is the product quality and Service quality of EASY ERP?

  • Concept of digitization was visualized by the promoters 25 years ago and we decided to serve the Education industry since then.
  • Promoter Directors are Professionals, who chose to come back to India from their overseas assignment and selected the Education Sector as their focus.
  • EASY has been developed with full dedication and thorough knowledge of the Education industry by well qualified team.
  • Directors are fully involved in the operations and management of the company.
  • EASY Team members are well qualified , long serving and fully dedicated to the product quality and service with thorough knowledge of the needs of Institutions and our software.
  • They maintain close relationship with all customers ensuring quality service and customer satisfaction.
  • Company has well qualified Technical advisers from India and abroad, who are PhDs and Management professionals from premium institutes.

4) How often EASY - ERP Version are Upgraded?

  • Software is getting upgraded constantly in terms of Technology, Logic and features & options over the past many years. We have the entire product modules in latest Technology.
  • Since EASY is concentrating only in School / College automation ERP, product is very robust and such specialization in Education ERP has led to high levels of product quality and precision. Entire team has good knowledge of all the modules and that knowledge is passed on to clients.
  • All schools and colleges supported by us for many years will vouch for the quality and service of EASY software.

5) Does EASY software take up work from any other industry?

  • NO . EASY software specializes only in School / College segment and that too in the DATA BASE management software areas with high levels of quality and commitment.

6) Is EASY - ERP a standard module - commonly supplied to all institutions ? or customizable as per need of the various institutions ?

  • YES – Software needs are customizable to the exact need of individual institution or group .
  • However, it is worth mentioning that EASY software is used in various institutions over many years, it has so many ENTRY / Reports options which has been developed taking feedback from so many institutions, WE already have more than expected options in every module.

7) EASY – software is local server based or cloud based ?

  • WE have 3 different versions of the software EASY 5.0 , 6.0 & 7.0 – to take care of the different needs.
  • a) EASY 5.0 - Local institution based server/computers in LAN with multiple nodes and multi users facility.
  • b) EASY 6.0 - Web browser applications - cloud based solutions which can be implemented either in private cloud servers of the institution or in public hosted cloud servers.
  • c) EASY 7.0 - Android based mobile APPs for one way communications to Students / parents with instant messaging facility without any restrictions on charcters/size of the message. We also provide browser login facility for viewing the messages with attachments and links for homework sheets, virtual class links, voice messages etc.
  • Institutions are not restricted or constrained by only one type of solution. They can have one or more combinations of our solution. They can either have only local or local & web, local&web&app . Cost efficiency and data privacy ensured.

8) There are so many modules provided by EASY software – Are they all integrated and can Institutions buy the modules of their choice?

  • YES . All the modules provided by EASY software are completely integrated. Every Master data of Students , Teachers, Staff etc are automatically shared by all modules.
  • Institutions have to buy the base Finance and admin modules with Class and Students/Teachers/ Fees etc first and all other modules like Academic modules and miscellaneous modules can be added anytime as per the need of the institution.
  • Institutions have a choice of technology(version) and modules.

9) How charges are made for EASY software modules ? Per student or Total agreed amount?

  • EASY software’s philosophy is to provide best quality ERP solutions at an affordable price to all institutions (whether big or small & in cities or in rural areas).
  • It is always a fixed agreed amount and number of students have nothing to do with the charges payable.
  • This will be good for institutions since they don’t have to worry about varying costs as charged by other companies based on number of students and repeated full charges based on students every year will work out to very high financial commitment for institutions.

10)How is EASY ERP different from other only cloud based solutions?

  • EASY ERP can be installed either in the Local server at the institution or in private cloud server which may be provided by the Institution. In both these cases, Institutions will have full control of the data and software.
  • In the above case, Software supply and support will be provided by EASY software. Even after discontinuance of service with EASY for any reason, all the data will reside in School/ College server and you can access the earlier years' data and support can be provided for a nominal AMC cost.
  • This is a very big advantage for schools and colleges. Plus EASY software pricing being a fixed amount , it will be very affordable for schools / colleges.
  • EASY software also provides public cloud solutions.
  • In case of only public cloud solutions , provided on the basis of “software as service “ model by other vendors, software and data access will be available only during the association with the Vendor and any discontinuance of service will result in stoppage of service and no earlier data will be available through the software.
  • More importantly for Autonomous colleges and Deemed universities, COE modules will require data privacy and security and SAS models may not be preferred.
  • Many Institutions will be concerned about security and privacy of financial data and hence may not find the public cloud model suitable to them.

11) with 25 years of experience, Which are the modules which are of high specialization and very useful to schools and college, according to EASY software?

  • Every module of EASY has been developed with utmost care and there is no distinction between one another. However the following modules have been given extra emphasis due to the financial background of Promoter Directors.
  • a) Fees module including online fees payment - Revenue collection is of primary concern for all institutions and we have given utmost importance to fees module.
  • Whatever may .be the size of the institution or complications involved in Fees area, EASY software will be able to provide a very efficient solution in less than one week to 10 days. WE have gained lot of experience in this area for the past 25 years.
  • FEES modules are highly specialized and we will provide best solutions to the exact need of the institutions.
  • This will cover all kind of fees – Term fees, Tuition fees, Books, Transport, Hostel Exam fees etc . Versatile solutions are provided.
  • b) Online Admission module with online application fees payment facility.
  • We have customized and installed this module for many schools/colleges who have found it extremely useful. Online application design and selection process reports are provided as per the exact need of every institution.
  • c) Controller of Examinations – COE module for Autonomous colleges and Deemed University.
    This is also one of the prime areas and we are servicing leading colleges for many years. Starting from Admission till printing of final Marks sheets to students are taken care by this module.
  • d) CBSE and other board schools - MARKS modules – Customized to individual need of every school.
  • e) Whole EASY ERP has 1000s of options and has been perfected over the past 25 years.

12) How is online fees collection services provided?

  • WE have tied up with reputed PGs - Payment Gateway companies / Banks for online fees collection and are servicing a number of institutions.
  • Online fees collection will be activated after allotment of TIDs by payment gateway. Multiple bank credits to the respective bank account depending on the nature of fees, is our specialty. Total fees collection can be split to different bank accounts without any manual interference direct from the PG.

13) What are the login security features in EASY software and what about the audit trail ?

  • EASY ERP has provision to create unlimited User ids for login and each user can be given rights/permission to use the various ENTRY and REPORTS option in the software.
  • Users can access only the respective options and they will not be able to access any other part of the software.
  • Software options are conveniently grouped into two major parts - ENTRY / REPORTS.
  • Users rights can be assigned based on the need of every user. There are over 1000 options in various modules of the software for Entries and Reports. User rights can be assigned for each one of these options under different headings.
  • Every Entry made or Corrected or Deleted through the software are tracked with user name and date/time for any future verification.

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Flat 1B, Dev Apartments 1st Floor,
Above Anjappar Hotel, 1st Main Road, Kasturba Nagar, Adyar,
Chennai - 600 020.

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(91) 044 4863 6753
+91 93800 05207
+91 92833 92598
+91 92833 92597